Sonoma County Farm Country

Photo of a Miniature horse colt.
This foal is small enough to put in the passenger seat of my car. 

I went for a drive in the farm country of Sonoma County (California) this morning looking for newborn lambs.  I didn’t see any.  However, I spotted some horses with young and pulled off the road.  They weren’t just ordinary horses; they were miniature horses or ponies.  I use the terms “miniature horse” and “pony” somewhat uncomfortably because there seems to be a difference, at least in the eyes of some, and I’m not certain whether these cute little creatures are horses or ponies, although I’m leaning toward horses.  I also learned there is an overriding concern among breeders regarding dwarfism.  These small horses also live considerably longer than full-size horses just like small dogs live longer than large dogs.  (Does that apply to humans?)   I’ll make another run at finding newborn lambs soon.

Photoof a weathered barn along Highway 116.
Weathered Barn

Across the road from the horses was this old, weathered barn.  I don’t normally photograph landscape scenes with a 500 lens and a 1.4 tele-extender, but the combination came in handy this time.