Elk Calf, Yellowstone National Park

Photo of an elk calf less that one day old lying along the Madison River in Yellowstone National Park.

An elk calf that is less than a day old rests near its mother along the Madison River  A pair of coyotes was also nearby.  If I could talk to it, I would tell it that it needs to find a better place to hide from predators.

Elk Calf in Hiding, Montana

Photo of an elk calf lying perfectly still.
Elk Calf Won’t Move

This calf was seen very close to the road just north of Yellowstone National Park.  For the first couple of weeks after birth elk calves stay hidden like this for much of the time.  If they don’t move they are hard to spot. Grizzlies are known to run grid patterns through elk calving grounds until one panics and tries to run.