A Bobcat Visits the Pantry; Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a bobcat.
Gopher Trap

I haven’t gotten any good photos of bobcats lately.  They’ve given up their crepuscular ways and they’ve gone back to being nocturnal.  This photo was taken in February.  This particular guy was my favorite this past winter.  He has a very pronounced chin.  I had a house cat with a chin like his.  It was diagnosed as feline acne, treated and it cleared up.  I wonder if bobcats get feline acne.

On another note, I’m working on a review of window mounts.  I hope to have that done in the next day or so.  Included in that review will be the new Puffin Pad.

Blacktail Buck

A Columbia Blacktail Buck feeds in a field of tall grass.
Columbia Blacktail Deer, Point Reyes National Seashore

This buck was  grazing in a rancher’s field.  H e must have liked what he was eating given how stuffed his cheeks are.

A Coyote Jumps Over the Moon.

Photo of a coyote jumping as it hunts.
A coyote “mousing.” Point Reyes National Seashore

Pardon the hyperbole, but if a cow can jump over the moon why not a coyote?  This photo was taken last winter.  I’ve never seen a coyote jump this high while mousing (or doing anything else).   This is the coyote I’ve covered before, including the day before yesterday, with the injured right foreleg.  It looks swollen at the wrist.  Nevertheless, he landed front feet first.

Yearling Elk Releases Some Steam

Photo of a young tule elk bull.
Yearling Tule Elk, Point Reyes National Seashore

It’s not only the calves that need to run to release some pent up energy. This yearling needs to do it as well.  He has that crazy look in his eyes.  I can remember having that same need to run fast for no reason other than to just do it.  That was a long time ago.