Brown Bear, Alaska

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Brown Bear

This is a photo of a brown bear with long stems of sedge grass in its mouth.

A brown bear munches on sedge grass in Lake Clark National Park.   I’m not sure why it is that brown bears, at least where they are routinely photographed, pretty much ignore humans.  I don’t know of any distance rules regarding the bears in Lake Clark.  Of course, there was the famous case of Timothy Treadwell, a brown bear activist who, along with his girlfriend, was killed by a male brown bear in 2003.

Written By Jim Coda

Jim Coda is a passionate nature photographer dedicated to capturing the essence of wildlife and landscapes. With years of experience, Jim shares his adventures and tips to inspire fellow photographers.

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Brown Bear, Lake Clark National Park

Brown Bear, Lake Clark National Park This is a photo from a few years ago in Lake Clark National Park. This female brown bear was feeding on sedge grass, a very important food source until the salmon spawning runs begin.  Her cub was just out of the photo.

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