The summer before I started this blog I took a trip to Alaska to photograph brown bears. There are several options to choose from when deciding where to photograph brown bears in Alaska. I finally decided to go to the Silver Salmon Creek Lodge at Silver Salmon Creek in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve. Until I started doing my research I hadn’t even heard of Lake Clark. It turns out that it is the fourth-largest national park if you include the preserve lands (where hunting is allowed). You get there by bush plane. It’s about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage. The accommodations at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge are very nice. For more on the lodge click here.
When we arrived the staff told us it hadn’t stopped raining for 30-some days. It would keep raining 24/7 until the last of my five full days there. That didn’t stop the shooting though. The above photo was taken on that last day.