Poster Boy

A bobcat sits by a gopher hole.
Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore

One thing I like about photographing during the winter at Point Reyes is the lush greens in the ranching areas.  The rainy season is just about over and it will be just be a matter of time before the greens turn to browns.  I was fortunate to see and photograph this male bobcat several times this winter.  He was almost always on lush, green grass.  I’d like to tell him I’m grateful for that.  I haven’t seen him lately.  I hope he’s OK.  If you’d like a print of this image click here.

A while back I decided to do a series of posters featuring birds of Western North America.  They are carried by the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Novato.  Recently, I decided to do one featuring the wildlife of Marin County which is the county I live in just north of San Francisco.  I started off with the idea of just doing mammals, but that has grown to include birds of Marin.  The posters are for sale now at the Viewpoints Gallery in Point Reyes Station.  That little town is located near the entrance to Point Reyes National Seashore.  They are  also available at Fabulous Framers in Novato and will soon be available at Wild Birds Unlimited in Novato.  As it has turned out, most of the subjects were photographed in Point Reyes National Seashore.  Here is a sample of what the posters look like.  My favorite bobcat is my poster boy for this sample.

Poster with a bobcat as the photo.
Bobcat Poster

Lesser Goldfinch, Marin County, California

Photo of goldfinch.
Goldfinch in the Garden

Here is another photo from our garden.  I decided to do a poster series of birds like I did last summer of Yellowstone wildlife.  The Yellowstone posters are available at The Paradise Gallery in Gardiner, Montana.   The bird posters are now available at Wild Birds Unlimited, Novato, California.   I had never been in a Wild Birds Unlimited store before the Novato store opened this past summer.  It is very nice and the people are very knowledgeable.  If you’re interested in attracting and feeding wild birds and there is a Wild Birds Unlimited store near you, then you probably already know how good they are.  But, if you have one nearby and haven’t checked it out, you should.

Poster featuring a lesser goldfinch.
Lesser Goldfinch Poster