Fountain Sculpture; Tiburon, California

I lived in Tiburon for a while in the mid-1970s. It’s a beautiful location on the north shore of San Francisco Bay. Thanks to the hilly terrain, many residents have a view of the San Francisco Bay. I occasionally go there to return to my Marin “roots.” It hasn’t changed much, which I like.
One thing that wasn’t there in the 1970s is this sculpture. It’s called “Coming About.” I’ve read that it represents five sailboats. When I first saw it I thought of shark fins. That also seemed fitting given that Tiburon is Spanish for “shark.” Some think the sails remind them of birds’ wings. That would also be fitting given the number of seagulls that hang out at several waterside restaurants. The sails slowly rotate. The Guaymas and Servino restaurants provide a backdrop to the scene.