A Night View of Angel Island, Alcatraz Island and San Francisco.
This photo was taken from Tiburon with a telephoto lens. As I look at this photo I’m wondering how far away San Francisco is. I’m guessing about 3 miles.
I lived in Tiburon for a while in the mid-1970s. It’s a beautiful location on the north shore of San Francisco Bay. Thanks to the hilly terrain, many residents have a view of the San Francisco Bay. I occasionally go there to return to my Marin “roots.” It hasn’t changed much, which I like.
One thing that wasn’t there in the 1970s is this sculpture. It’s called “Coming About.” I’ve read that it represents five sailboats. When I first saw it I thought of shark fins. That also seemed fitting given that Tiburon is Spanish for “shark.” Some think the sails remind them of birds’ wings. That would also be fitting given the number of seagulls that hang out at several waterside restaurants. The sails slowly rotate. The Guaymas and Servino restaurants provide a backdrop to the scene.
If you continue driving a short distance from where yesterday’s photo was taken you get a closer view of the Point Bonita Lighthouse. It has been in continuous operation since 1855.
Most people who photograph the Golden Gate Bridge turn around when they are done and leave the Marin Headlands. However, if you continue west, there are some other nice views. One is of Point Bonita. The Point Bonita Lighthouse is out near the end of the point.
Just down the street from my house is an agricultural field. In the winter part of it floods. It drains into a large wetland which is connected to San Francisco Bay. It attracts herons, egrets and ducks. A couple of days ago a great blue heron was hunting there. I stopped and watched to see what it would catch. I expected it to catch small fish. To my surprise it caught several crayfish. It will soon dry up. If you would like to purchase a print of this image click here.
It’s been raining lately here in Marin County. I drove down the hill from my house and this great egret was standing in a seasonal pond. During the winter it is connected to a larger body of water called Rush Creek which has fish in it and which drains into the Petaluma River and then into San Francisco Bay. Fishing was good. The egret caught lots of small fish, one fair-sized fish and something that looked like a crayfish.
It is mating season as evidenced by the nuptial plumes.