Golden Gate Bridge

Photo of the Golden Gate Bridge with San Francisco and the East Bay Hills in the background.
The Golden Gate Bridge, a Modern Day Wonder

This photo of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco was taken from the same spot as the photo showing the Transamerica Building framed by the north tower of the bridge which I posted a few days ago.  Note that the building is still framed by the tower in this image.  This photo was taken on the same day as the other photo, but hours later, and it was taken with a 70-200 lens at 122mm, not a 500mm lens.  The Golden Gate Bridge is probably the most-photographed structure in California. Iwish I had a penny for every photo ever taken of  it.

Tule Elk in Velvet

A tule elk stands with antlers in velvet.
Tule elk with antlers in velvet, Point Reyes National Seashore

There are three things in the photo above that say it’s spring to me.  The first thing is the flowers.  The second is the change occurring in the elk’s coat from a warmer (longer), lighter-colored, winter coat to a cooler (shorter), darker, summer coat.  The third thing is the early-stage growth of antlers.

During the winter season the Point Reyes tule elk shed their antlers.  Almost immediately after shedding them they began growing new antlers.  Under that velvet skin the antlers are engorged with blood.  At this early stage you can easily see evidence of blood-rich tissue.  Below is a cropped version of the above photo showing the blood-rich tissue.

Close-up profile of elk in velvet
Close-up of Tule elk in velvet

A Great Blue Heron Grabs a Crayfish.

A great blue heron grabs a crayfish.
Great Blue Heron, Marin County, California

Just down the street from my house is an agricultural field.  In the winter part of it floods.  It drains into a large wetland which is connected to San Francisco Bay.  It attracts herons, egrets and ducks.  A couple of days ago a great blue heron was hunting there.  I stopped and watched to see what it would catch.  I expected it to catch small fish.  To my surprise it caught several crayfish.  It will soon dry up.  If you would like to purchase a print of this image click here.

Coyote in Gopherville

A coyote walks through a green field.
Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

This coyote was photographed hunting gophers on ranch land in Point Reyes National Seashore.  The ranch lands provide good habitat for gophers.  A healthy population of gophers (and other rodents) means a good food supply for predators that feed on gophers, such as coyotes, bobcats and badgers.  When I drive through these lands, most other drivers are intent on getting by me and getting to their destinations as quickly as possible.  They seem oblivious to the wildlife they pass by.  If you would like to purchase a print of this image click here.

Great Blue Heron Nesting Ritual; Venice, Florida

Photo of a pair of great blue herons going through nesting riutal.
Great Blue Herons in Nesting Ritual

March is a great month to photograph birds nesting.  This photo was taken five years ago this month at the Venice Rookery in Venice, Florida.   It’s famous for photo opportunities of wading birds nesting.  Nest building is a joint effort for the great blue herons.  The male brings in a twig and the female accepts it as the photo depicts.  When she takes it the male leaves and returns shortly thereafter with another twig and the whole ritual of passing the twig is repeated.

If you go to Florida to photograph wading birds at this time of year you should put the Venice Rookery on your itinerary.  To purchase a print of this image click here.

Coyote At Sunset

Photo of a coyote stopping in a rancher's field at sunset.
Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

I photographed this coyote at sunset.  For landscape photography, sunrise and sunset are the best of times.  You go to the place you want to photograph and wait for that yellow, orange and/or red light.  Sunrise and sunset are great times to photograph wildlife as well.  Unfortunately, a wild animal is not always in front of you at sunrise or sunset.  So, when you have an interesting animal to photograph at those times you are fortunate.  That’s all it takes for me to consider the day a success.