Petaluma Riverfront; Petaluma, Calfiornia

Photo of the Petaluma River and old riverfront at the Turning Basin.
Old Town Petaluma at the Turning Basin

Here is another view of the Petaluma River and some of the City of Petaluma’s historic buildings that it passes as it winds its way through the City.  Not many cities have a river passing through it.  These buildings, and others just outside the photo, house some of the best restaurants in the North Bay.

A Great Egret Catches a Small Fish.

A great egret grabs a small fish.
Great Egret, Marin County, California

It’s been raining lately here in Marin County.  I drove down the hill from my house and this great egret was standing in a seasonal pond.  During the winter it is connected to a larger body of water called Rush Creek which has fish in it and which drains into the Petaluma River and then into San Francisco Bay.   Fishing was good.  The egret caught lots of small fish, one fair-sized fish and something that looked like a crayfish.

It is mating season as evidenced by the nuptial plumes.