Muscular Bobcat; Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a muscular bobcat.
Mr. Muscles

Whenever I photograph a bobcat I try to determine its sex. I usually get a good enough look to be able to tell.  This one is obviously a male.  Even if I couldn’t determine its sex in the normal way, I’d assume this one to be a male based simply on the shoulder muscles.  For some reason, the vast majority of bobcats I see are males.

A Great Blue Heron Grabs a Crayfish.

A great blue heron grabs a crayfish.
Great Blue Heron, Marin County, California

Just down the street from my house is an agricultural field.  In the winter part of it floods.  It drains into a large wetland which is connected to San Francisco Bay.  It attracts herons, egrets and ducks.  A couple of days ago a great blue heron was hunting there.  I stopped and watched to see what it would catch.  I expected it to catch small fish.  To my surprise it caught several crayfish.  It will soon dry up.  If you would like to purchase a print of this image click here.