White-crowned Sparrow, Marin County, California

A white-crowned sparrow sits on a branch.
A white-crowned sparrow perches on a lichen-covered oak branch.

I did some more photographing in our garden recently.  In exchange for a little seed, this white-crowned sparrow agreed to pose.  I haven’t seen the jackrabbit who used to run around the garden when I was shooting there a couple of months ago.  I hope he is OK.

My Jackrabbit Friend

Profile photo of jackrabbit
Black-tail Jackrabbit, Marin County, California

A couple of months ago I spent some time photographing birds in our garden.  It didn’t take long before I noticed that a jackrabbit spent a lot of time there.   I had never noticed it before, but when you spend hours in one spot, without moving, you start to see things that you wouldn’t see otherwise.   I think it was a young jackrabbit because it loved to run back and forth across the garden, apparently full of pent-up energy.  I remember acting like that myself on occasion, but that was a long time ago.    My furry friend seemed very healthy.  It had no ticks in its ears as rabbits often do.  I haven’t spent any time in the garden photographing lately.  I hope my little friend is still there.