Seven-Point Bull

Photo of a 7-point bull bugling during the rut.
Tule Elk Bull Bugles, Point Reyes National Seashore

I’m still upgrading my website by making each image larger.  It’s a lot of work, but I think it will be a nice improvement to the site.  One extra benefit is that I’m finding some images that I like that I didn’t know I had.  This photo was taken in early August.  As I often do, I came back to this photo after I published the blog and was struck by how wide this bull can open its mouth.  For some reason, I pictured a set of canine teeth in there, developed for defensive purposes.  I wonder what wolves would say — if they had any say in it?  For that matter, I wonder what elk hunters would say?

Tule Elk, Point Reyes National Seashore

A bul elk walks inside a corral at the Kehoe Ranch.
Bull Elk in Corral

As I mentioned in a recent post, the elk at Tomales Point are kept there by a fence that runs across the peninsula from Tomales Bay to the ocean.  However, occasionally they will go around the end of the fence.  I’ve seen bulls outside the enclosure, but never a cow.  Here is a bull that was inside a corral at the Kehoe Ranch on October 31.  Twenty minutes later when I came back from the Pierce Point Ranch area the bull was gone.  The gate was open.  I assume that’s how the bull got in.  Later, I realized that I should have told the people at the Kehoe Ranch and/or the Park Service that the bull was in the Kehoe corral.  Maybe it was an opportunity to get the animal back into the enclosure.