Mother Brown Bear, Lake Clark National Park

Brown bear sow, clams
Mama bear goes clamming.

My last two mornings at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge we had very low tides.  That brought the bears from the sedge grass meadows to the tidelands.  I was amazed to learn how well the bears find the clams.  They quickly smell them through little holes or vents in the sand that go from the clams up to the surface.  It’s also amazing how easily they use their big claws to pry open the shells.  They are very efficient at it.  Not a lot of meat from each clam, but I guess it adds up and is a welcome change from their mostly grass diets.

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown (Bear); Lake Clark National Park

Photo of large male brown bear.
“The Other Boars just Call Him Sir!”

When I look at this boar I think of Jim Croce’s great song, “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.”  This guy was the biggest male brown bear I saw in my week at Silver Salmon Creek.  Note the size of his shoulders and chest compared to the boar that was following the sow and cub in my last post.  He has an old scar above his right eye.

Brown Bear at Silver Salmon Creek

Photo of female brown bear walking along the beach.
A Walk on the Beach

Here’s another photo from my trip to the Silver Salmon Creek area of Lake Clark National Park.    This is a female with a one-year old cub walking behind her out of the frame.

One of the things I like about photographing wildlife is that you get to observe and record how they act in, and react to, the world around them.   You never know when something unusual will happen, but you need to be ready when, and if, it happens.

There is also a boar walking behind them.  Boars kill cubs.  Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but she looks concerned to me.  She looked even more concerned shortly after this photo was taken.

Brown Bear, Lake Clark National Park

Photo of a one year old brown bear.
Young Brown Bear Walks the Beach.

The summer before I started this blog I took a trip to Alaska to photograph brown bears.  There are several options to choose from when deciding where to photograph brown bears in Alaska.  I finally decided to go to the Silver Salmon Creek Lodge at Silver Salmon Creek in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve.   Until I started doing my research I hadn’t even heard of Lake Clark.  It turns out that it is the fourth-largest national park if you include the preserve lands (where hunting is allowed).  You get there by bush plane.  It’s about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage.  The accommodations at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge are very nice.  For more on the lodge click here.

When we arrived the staff told us it hadn’t stopped raining for 30-some days.  It would keep raining 24/7 until the last of my five full days there.   That didn’t stop the shooting though.  The above photo was taken on that last day.

Brown Bear On New Home Page

Photo of a brown bear wet from a month of rain.
After a month of non-stop rain, this brown bear longs for a dry day in Lake Clark National Park.

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been working on an upgrade of my website.   This bear is on the new home page.

The upgrade consists mainly of making the images larger, roughly three times larger.  Converting the images has been taking longer than I like so I’ve decided to go “live” with the new site even though it isn’t finished.   I’ve completed the upgrade on the bird portfolios.  I’ve also done all or part of some of the mammal portfolios.  Because the images are much larger, I’ve been putting my copyright on them.  Images that don’t have my copyright haven’t been upgraded yet.  (They also look less than ideal because they’ve been “stretched” three times their original size.)  Hopefully, I’ll finish the upgrade in the near future.

In addition to larger images, the site is more user-friendly.  When you select and open a portfolio you now have a new way to view the images. You can simply use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard.  That wasn’t an option before.  You can also click on the arrows on the bottom of the portfolio (like before) or you can click on “slideshow” (also like before) or you can click on “thumbnails.”  If you do the latter you can navigate through them by clicking on the vertical bars at each end of the thumbnails to go four thumbnails backward or forward with each click.   The old site also had thumbnails, but they were of the scrolling variety which made them hard to control.  They were also much smaller.  These thumbnails can save a lot of time if you’re looking for a particular type of image.  As before, you can read something about each image by clicking on “image info” at the bottom of each image.

I think the site is a nice improvement over the old site.  I’d love to hear what you think.  To get to the new site you can get the link by clicking on “Portfolio” at the top of this blog or you can simply click here.