Badger, Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a badger after it awakens from a sunbath.
A badger wakes up from its sunbath.

After lunch today I decided to go out to Point Reyes.  I’m anxious for the coyotes and bobcats to return to their winter ways of spending more time out during daylight hours and I hoped I’d see some today.    I had barely gotten inside the Seashore when I  saw a lot of badger diggings on a hillside.  They looked fresh, although it had rained last night and I wondered if the wetness of the dirt made them look fresher than they were.   I scanned all the diggings and the one that was highest up the hill had a brownish lump on the side of the digging.  It was partly obstructed by vegetation.  I grabbed my 7X binoculars and took a look.  They weren’t powerful enough to be certain, but it looked like brown fur and it wasn’t moving.  I assumed it was a badger and that it was asleep.  I grabbed my lens and tripod and  decided to move slowly up the hill to try to get close enough for a good photo.  I used a telephone pole between us as cover.

I got to about 40 to 50 yards from what I knew by then was a badger and was about to shoot a few frames when out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash of movement.  It was a a coyote and it was running straight up the hill on my left.  I have no idea why or how the coyote did that.  I think it may have been sleeping somewhere to the left of the badger and me and I startled it.  I started shooting the coyote as it ran, but it topped the hill quickly.  I re-focused on the badger and, no surprise, it was no longer asleep.  It was staring straight at me.  I’m sure the coyote caught its attention first and the noise from my shutter got its attention next.  I fired off several shots and the badger went down the burrow it had dug.  It quickly popped back up to take a longer look at me.  After a few seconds it had seen enough.

Photo of a badger peeking from its burrow.
A badger takes a peek.

After a bit, I circled around the burrow hoping he’d come up again and, not seeing me where he expected me to be, he’d come out.  It was not to be and after about 30 minutes I gave up.  It was a good start though.

It turned out that that was the high point of the afternoon.  I did see another coyote later.  I also had one bobcat cross the road in front of me.  I also saw another critter for a second or two before it disappeared into a swale.  I think it was either a bobcat or coyote.  Things were pretty slow elk-wise on the Tomales Peninsula.

I then headed over to Drake’s Beach hoping to see some elk on the way or maybe something at Drake’s Beach itself.  On the way I saw a burrowing owl that my friend Jeff told me about just before the turnoff for Drake’s Beach.  There was also a big 7-point bull elk on the east side of the road to Drake’s Beach.  Drake’s Beach itself was dead.  I then headed back to Pierce Point.  It’s often pretty good for elk late in the day.  Not today.

Things seem to be getting better at Point Reyes in terms of seeing bobcats and coyotes.

A Bobcat Visits the Pantry; Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a bobcat.
Gopher Trap

I haven’t gotten any good photos of bobcats lately.  They’ve given up their crepuscular ways and they’ve gone back to being nocturnal.  This photo was taken in February.  This particular guy was my favorite this past winter.  He has a very pronounced chin.  I had a house cat with a chin like his.  It was diagnosed as feline acne, treated and it cleared up.  I wonder if bobcats get feline acne.

On another note, I’m working on a review of window mounts.  I hope to have that done in the next day or so.  Included in that review will be the new Puffin Pad.

Handsome Bob; Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a bobcat resting.
Handsome Bobcat

I saw this bobcat a few days ago in Point Reyes National Seashore.  I had previously seen him a couple of times in March.  I named him “Handsome Bob” then because he had very distinctive spots and stripes.  When I saw him the other day he had no problem with my car stopping.  I was there maybe 10 minutes when another photographer parked.  Bob was still unconcerned.  About 5 minute later a third car stopped.  That was his limit.  Bob went from being relaxed to tense and then did a quick disappearing act.  I’m now thinking of him also as “Three Car Bob.”  In this photo Handsome Bob has his rump on a rodent mound and his legs in the burrow.

Muscular Bobcat; Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a muscular bobcat.
Mr. Muscles

Whenever I photograph a bobcat I try to determine its sex. I usually get a good enough look to be able to tell.  This one is obviously a male.  Even if I couldn’t determine its sex in the normal way, I’d assume this one to be a male based simply on the shoulder muscles.  For some reason, the vast majority of bobcats I see are males.

Coyote in Gopherville

A coyote walks through a green field.
Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

This coyote was photographed hunting gophers on ranch land in Point Reyes National Seashore.  The ranch lands provide good habitat for gophers.  A healthy population of gophers (and other rodents) means a good food supply for predators that feed on gophers, such as coyotes, bobcats and badgers.  When I drive through these lands, most other drivers are intent on getting by me and getting to their destinations as quickly as possible.  They seem oblivious to the wildlife they pass by.  If you would like to purchase a print of this image click here.

Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

Photo of a coyote looking back at sunset.
Coyote at Sunset

I took this photo about a month ago at Point Reyes.  I can’t remember the exact location, but it was shot around sunset.  I usually miss sunrise at Point Reyes, but I try to always be there for sunset.   It’s the best of times — for light and wildlife.  When the sun starts getting low my senses heighten.  It’s a feeling of anticipation.  Something is going to happen.  Something better happen.  I need a good photo.  I also know that many of the animals I like to photograph, such as coyotes and bobcats, are up and beginning to hunt.  It’s time to crank up the ISO.  Time to be steady.  1/30th of a second time.  It’s make or break time.  If I get a good photo of an animal at that time the day is a success. If I don’t, the day is usually a failure.  I try not to let it get to me.  But it does.  Some.  To purchase a print of this image click here.