Brown Bear Sow

Brown Bear Takes a Nap Next to Us

Brown Bear Takes a Break

I was with a few others photographing this female brown bear while she was fishing. The silver salmon run hadn’t begun yet at Silver Salmon Creek, but that didn’t stop her from giving it a try.  She caught a starry flounder and then, after a while, a silver salmon.  A larger male bear was also fishing and catching nothing. When she caught the salmon he chased her for several minutes and she was holding onto the fish so hard that one or both ends fell to the ground.  That caused the male to stop.  After the chase she walked toward us.  She kept coming and finally stopped and plopped down not far from our feet.

She had a reputation as a very good fisher.  She also had a rep that wasn’t as nice.  She abandoned her year-old cub not long before this.  We would see it on occasion and hoped and prayed it would make it to and through hibernation.

Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore

Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore

A bobcat stops and poses in Point Reyes National Seashore.

This photo of a male bobcat was taken in March when things were still green out at Point Reyes.  The landscape is mostly bare now, thanks to the 6,000 to 7,000 cattle living year-round on Park Service lands.

I just learned that people like me who blog, and who have arranged it so their blogs immediately appear on their Facebook Profile when published, will no longer be allowed by Facebook to do that starting tomorrow.  One option is to start a Facebook Page.  Facebook Pages aren’t subject to this new rule.  I hope this change has a good purpose, like making it more difficult for the Russians to interfere with the 2018 election.

UPDATE:  Facebook didn’t wait until August 1.  I just checked and this post didn’t make it onto my Facebook Profile.

A Coyote “Mousing” at Point Reyes National Seashore

I never get bored watching wildlife.  One f the things I always enjoy is seeing a coyote perform the “mousing” leap to try to catch a rodent.  Here are some photos I took in June of a coyote at Point Reyes doing that.

A coyote spots a rodent.

Coyote, Point Reyes

The coyote begins its jump.

Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

It hits the apex of its jump.

Coyote, Point Reyes

Descending snout first.

coyote, mousing

Did the coyote get its rodent?

No, it missed.  However, in my experience coyotes are more successful at catching rodents than bobcats.  I’ve wondered why and whether it’s because they grab rodents with their pointed snouts which fit in rodent holes nicely.  Bobcats have flatter faces and have to use their paws which may not fit in the small rodent burrows as well.  I don’t know for sure, it’s just a guess.

Peregrine Falcon, Point Reyes National Seashore

Peregrine Falcon, Point Reyes National Seashore

Female Peregrine takes wing with its prey.

As I was leaving Point Reyes a few days ago I noticed this female peregrine perched on a fence post with her recent kill. I pulled over and photographed her as she alternatively plucked feathers and fed. After several minutes she decided it was time to go. She flew right over me, but I had too long a lens to photograph her once she left the post. Point Reyes is a good place for seeing not only elk and other mammals, but also various birds, including birds of prey.

Bald Eagle, Alaska

Bald Eagle, Alaska

Bald Eagle; Kachemak Bay, Alaska

I’m leaving a web host that I’ve been with for 10 years and creating a new site elsewhere for displaying my photos.  It’s slow work because the size and resolution for all the photos is different from the old site.  It’s been good in one way though.  After ten years, I have come to the realization that some of the images don’t deserve to be on the new site.  Others do, but need to be processed not just from a master file, but from scratch because I don’t think I did a very good job processing them previously.

I’ve made the first go-round for Birds and Mammals (I’ve barely begun the Landscapes Portfolio) and I’m now digging a little deeper in my photo catalogs.  Here’s a bald eagle photo that I didn’t put up in the first round, but I think I will.  (Good day to post a bald eagle image.)  If you’d like to take a look at what bald eagle images I have up so far you can click here.

Great Gray Owl, Grand Teton National Park

A great gray owl roosts in Grand Teton National Park.

This great gray owl was a frequent visitor to the Moose-Wilson Road area when I was there in the spring of 2015.  It was very popular with photographers.  It was popular with scientists too.  That resulted in multiple leg bands and a radio with antenna.  Most of the time the bands and antenna were not noticeable, however, unlike the collars on wolves and grizzlies in Yellowstone.

Kestrel, Point Reyes National Seashore

Male Kestrel Point Reyes National Seashore

A male kestrel perches on a metal fence post.

I love to photograph kestrels, especially the males because of that additional gray/blue color.  I would have preferred a wooden fence post here, or better yet, a nice tree branch.  The post reminds me of a photo contest rule that the camera clubs in the SF Bay Area followed when I was a member of one of the clubs.  I think it was referred to as the Hand-of-Man Rule.  As I recall, if you entered a photo in the nature/wildlife category, there couldn’t be anything in the photo that was man-made.   Obviously, this photo wouldn’t qualify, and rightly so.   I might be more sympathetic if the metal post were a wooden one, especially if the post were very old and weathered, but rules are rules and it’s not easy to make exceptions.  They did have an exception though, which I thought made the whole rule kind of stupid.  As I recall, the exception allowed for photos of wildlife that were collared or tagged in some way.   I could never figure out the justification for that one.  My only thought was that when they wrote the rule there was someone involved in the rule-writing who had a photo of a tagged or collared animal that he/she really wanted to enter in a contest in the wildlife category.  As I write this I wonder if some photos I took recently of a coyote in a field planted with silage for later mowing and feeding to livestock would be prohibited by the hand-of-man rule.  Writing clear rules (or laws) is not easy.