Gray Wolf, Yellowstone National Park

This is a photo of a gray wolf crossing a creek in Yellowstone.

A gray wolf crossing a creek in Yellowstone.

This wolf had been feeding on an elk carcass in this Yellowstone meadow for a few days.  Note the full belly.  During that period I never saw another wolf or bear at the site.

Gray Wolf, Yellowstone National Park

This is a photo of a male wolf in Yellowstone.

Many years ago the entire Canyon Pack passed by me at close distance.  This was at Twin Lakes.  Actually, it happened twice. The other time I was photographing marmots at the north end of Yellowstone Lake.  The marmots started screaming like crazy.  Then I got a glimpse of a Canyon Pack wolf walking on the other side of the marmots.   When that ended I decided to quit.  I turned around to go back to my car and, lo and behold, another Canyon Pack member was ambling along between me and my car parked twenty yards away.  I had a 500mm lens in one hand and a tripod in the other hand.  All I could do was watch as it went by.  At least I got the shot above near Twin Lakes.